Toyota Corolla + 1. Maintenance instruction + 2. Maintenance + 3. Engines + 4. Systems of cooling, heating + 5. Fuel, exhaust systems + 6. System of decrease in toxicity + 7. Transmissions - 8. Coupling and semi-axes 8.1. Specifications + 8.2. Coupling - 8.3. Semi-axis 8.3.1. Replacement of covers of a semi-axis and check CV JOINT + 9. Brake system + 10. Suspension bracket and steering + 11. Body + 12. Electric equipment
The drive is transferred from a transmission to wheels through semi-axes. The internal ends of semi-axes through shlitsevy connection fasten to gear wheels of semi-axes of differential. The external ends of semi-axes through shlitsevy connection fasten to naves of wheels and are fixed by nuts.
On the internal ends of semi-axes sliding hinges of equal angular speeds (CV JOINT) which are capable as to axial, and to angular moving are established. Each of internal the CV JOINT consists from трипода with three bearings and a hinge casing (which the role of an external path of a kacheniye plays) in which трипод can move forward-back at semi-axis movement up-down together with a wheel. Hinges can be disassembled and cleared in case of cover damage, however, at damage of the hinge any of elements, it is necessary to replace all hinge.
External the CV JOINT are Universal Rzeppa hinges and consist of ball-bearings in which balls rotate between an internal path of a kacheniye and the external case which is capable to angular, but not to axial moving. It is necessary to clear, check and fill external hinges with new greasing, but they cannot be disassembled. If the external hinge is damaged, it is necessary to replace it together with a semi-axis (external hinges are on sale only together with a semi-axis, as a unit).
Covers of hinges are necessary for checking regularly on existence of damages or leakage of greasing. It is necessary replace the torn covers immediately, otherwise, hinges can to be damaged. For replacement of a cover it is necessary to remove a semi-axis.
It is possible to find putting-on covers for which installation it is not necessary to remove a semi-axis in sale. It is rather convenient alternative; however, the semi-axis is necessary for removing, and the hinge to disassemble and clear to check, whether moisture or dirt which will accelerate its wear got to the hinge.
The main signs, testifying that the hinge is worn-out or damaged, are, besides greasing course, knock at turns, acceleration and vibration on high speeds.
For check of wear of the hinge and semi-axes, undertake a semi-axis and try to rotate it in both directions, holding casings of hinges. If you feel existence of a free wheeling, it testifies that shlitsa or hinges wore out. Also, examine a semi-axis on existence of cracks, dents and deformation.
1. Disconnect a wire of the negative plug of the accumulator. |
If the stereoplayer of your car has coding system, check, whether you know a code of activation of a player before an accumulator detachment.
2. Put the car on the hand brake. |
3. Turn off nuts of fastening of forward wheels, lift the car and establish it on support. Remove wheels. |
4. Get to the check (to a photo at the left) and take a cap from a nut of fastening of a semi-axis (a photo on the right). |
5. Turn off and remove a nut of fastening of a semi-axis and a washer. In order that the nave did not rotate, insert ломик between bolts of fastening of wheels and establish the second end ломика so that it rested against a floor or the car bottom. |
6. To get a semi-axis from шлицов naves, strike on the shaft end with a hammer with a brass head or use to copper small beards. |
If you make too big effort a semi-axis, you can damage it or a transmission. If the semi-axis very densely sits in shlitsa of a nave, and you cannot beat out it, you should remove a brake disk (see subsection 9.7) and to squeeze out a semi-axis by means of a two-foot stripper after point 8 performance.
7. Remove engine filters (see subsection Establish the pallet under a transmission for collecting oil which will pour out at semi-axis removal. |
8. Turn off nuts and the bolts, fixing the spherical hinge to the suspension bracket lever, then lower the suspension bracket lever to disconnect it from the hinge (see subsection 10.5). |
9. Turn a rotary fist and get a semi-axis from a nave. Do not allow the external end of a semi-axis to hang on internal the CV JOINT so it will lead to an exit it out of operation. Suspend the external end of a semi-axis by means of a wire if it is necessary. |
10. Accurately get the internal end of a semi-axis from a transmission, having wrung out the internal CV JOINT.
11. Procedure of replacement of an epiploon of a semi-axis is described in chapter describing a transmission. |
1. Installation is carried out upside-down removals. At installation pay attention to the next moments. |
2. Sharply insert the internal end of a semi-axis into a transmission in order that the lock ring on the end of the internal hinge got to a flute on a gear wheel of a semi-axis of differential. |
3. Tighten a nut of fastening of a semi-axis till the demanded moment of an inhaling (see subsection 8.1), then establish a cap of a nut and new to the check. |
4. Establish a wheel and acquire a nut of fastening of a wheel, lower the car on the earth and tighten nuts till the demanded moment of an inhaling (see subsection 10.1). |
5. Check oil level in a transmission or a case of differential and add, if it is necessary, to demanded level (see subsection 2.3) |